Monday, April 27, 2015

Censored Facts about Electronics Brain Damage, RF CAUSED BRAIN DEATH

Freedom Isn't Free, and Silence is Consent!
Call it "an extra-judicial corrections system", or call it "KKK for everyone."
But make no mistake about it: The fact that viglante stalking and electronic harassment has become common, and is NOT prosecuted by the justice system of any country, means that constitutional rule of law is DEAD. When citizens can be targeted for years and DECADES without law enforcement acting to stop the crimes, you have no rule of law, you have the rule of the jungle.
What you are going to read on this site may not seem real to the unaware public. There are three statistics, two from official professional sources, which support what we are asserting here:
 ** A survey like the one on this site was posted on a high volume news site in 2002. 12,000 people visited that survey in 24 hours. About 120 sent in responses saying they had most or all of the symptoms of vigilante stalking with electronic harassment. That is 1 person in a hundred, primarily in North America.
 ** Statistics from the book Mobbing: Emotional Abuse in the American Workplace show that in Sweden, about 3.5% of the working population is subject to mobbing, which is gang stalking in the workplace. 3.5% of working people is roughly 1 person in a hundred total, and is in line with the vigilante stalking survey above.
 ** Statistics from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control concerning harassment and stalking cases give an overall figure for the U.S. of 4.5 people per 100 as having been harassed or stalked at one time. Our informal survey's result of about one person per 100 being targeted by organized stalking fits well within that 4.5 per 100 figure. (Source, ABC News)
 ** Statistics from the British (government) Home Office state that 1,900,000 people in the United Kingdom were victims of stalking or harassment at any one time as of the year 2001. That is about 3 people per hundred. Here again, the vigilante stalking survey's 1 person in a hundred is not out of line. Most interesting is that roughly 45% of the stalking victims are MEN! That suggests a very different picture from the conventional view of stalking victims being mostly women, and may well point toward the type of stalking described here, on this web site. Click here for documentation. (Graph below shows only the harassment offences, not stalking.)
So when we discuss citizen vigilante gangstalking with electronic harassment here, please keep in mind that this is a real issue, not some empty ranting. One question which deserves to be asked of government and the media repeatedly is: Why is vigilante stalking being hushed up?
Vigilante stalking is not new. Here is an Ohio, USA, family in which THREE GENERATIONS have been targeted.
Some of us know why we were "turned in" for this harassment, but we don't really know why such a large, expensive network of citizen harassers came about. We do know that as dictatorships are in the forming stage, local neighbourhood surveillance and harassment groups are set up. Once the dictatorship takes over, these local surveillance and harassment groups ensure that the dictator stays in power. This political motive seems to be the only likely answer to the question of why so many resources are expended to keep these harassment groups in operation and expanding.
Daily, unexplainable harassment. Break-ins at home, work, and car. Thefts and sabotage just below a cost where police will act. Vicious, well organized rumour campaigns. Destruction of reputation, career, and relationships. Unusual medical symptoms for which doctors find no cause. Well organized, very cleverly engineered 24/7 harassment by vigilante-style stalking gangs, activities of which are ignored and denied by all levels of government. These vigilante gangs are NETWORKED and moving to a different city does NOT stop the harassment.
Electronically induced sleep deprivation and PAIN.
This web site is about one type of the ongoing (and vigorously denied) government ignored or backed crimes. This crime can be called "gang stalking" or "vigilante gang stalking" and is sometimes accompanied by invasive, through-the-wall, zero trace evidence "electronic harassment."
These crimes probably grew out of historical operations such as MKULTRA, and COINTELPRO. The code names were dropped, but there is no evidence the activity ever stopped. The crime documented here is a literal covert war on citizens. This covert war operates like a cross between citizen vigilante style "criminal rehabilitation groups" and "contract revenge services" for the rich and powerful.
Our targeted people have had great difficulty finding out who is behind this seeming "parallel justice system." A justice system in which the innocent are "prosecuted" and punished without the right to face their accusers or put up any kind of defence.
 "Prophetically, an acquaintance coolly said to me, a year after I left the lab, 'You are in a police net you will never get out of ... for the rest of your life.' "
 -- Leuren Moret, geoscientist, whistleblower, anti uranium munitions poisoning activist, target, formerly of Lawrence Livermore Lab
 See more about Leuren Moret:
On very rare occasions, one of our members will find a revealing piece of information. One such revelation comes from a member who has a seniour police officer as a personal friend. This police officer (on condition of anonymity) revealed that many police departments tacitly encourage the activity of these citizen vigilante groups because they "keep criminals in line."
The anonymous police officer said police recognize that innocent people will sometimes be targeted too, but some police departments consider that an acceptable price to pay for crime control. One police officer admitted to a target that she had been targeted due to illnesses suggesting she was a methamphetamine addict. In fact, she was not, but had unknowingly moved into a house which had been used as a meth manufacturing lab.
Story of that target, as broadcast on the Road to Freedom show. CLEARLY shows her attacks were NOT mental illness.
See also the "police who know" log.
Important: NOT all police officers participate in this harassment. In fact, it has been reported that some police officers are themselves targets. We in the vigilante gang stalking/ electronic harassment target community do NOT intend to disparage the majority of honest police officers!
Professionals Wanted
for Anonymous Interviews
If you are a sworn police officer, or a licenced psychiatrist, psychologist, or mental health counselor, who knows something about this issue, we would like to interview you ANONYMOUSLY in a non-confrontational mode on Road to Freedom.
We will need to have some form of verification that you are credentialled but we will ensure that no record of your identity will be kept. We are interested in opening a dialogue about vigilante stalking and electronic harassment with you professionals, who are most likely to be called upon to deal with our members in crisis situations. Retirees who retired in good standing are welcome.
Having a professional organization assure us you are credentialled, but not give us your name, would be ideal. That way we do not know your name which is about as anonymous as it is possible to get.
We will provide you with an initial set of questions we would like to ask before you commit to coming on the program. If requested, we can apply voice changing to the interview before posting.
We do not have caller ID, and the listeners will be advised to make up their own minds as to whether a given interviewee is providing good information or not. Anonymous interviews will not be recorded with listeners calling in, unless the interviewee requests that.
If you are interested, please email me, Eleanor White, at:
eleanor( )
To hide your identity, sign up for a free or email account.
Citizens who "know something" about organized stalking
wanted for Anonymous Interviews
Ordinary citizens who "know something" about organized stalking FROM THE INSIDE are invited to appear on Road to Freedom to share what they know anonymously. Citizen gang stalkers themselves are also welcome and we will assure anonymity. People in many trades are both recruited as citizen gang stalkers, and others may have inside information about these operations.
If citizens voluteering to be interviewed are sure they have enough information to talk for more than half an hour, we can turn over an entire show to that volunteer. We can also invite citizens who "know something" to come on for only a portion of a show on another topic. That is up to the volunteer.
Because these citizen interviews will be very different, we won't be able to supply a list of questions in advance of the show. In effect, the citizen being interviewed will decide what gets talked about. Our purpose is not to confront the guests, rather, it is to begin a dialogue which will both inform the listener and may lead eventually to the perpetrators realizing they have been sold a pack of lies to get them to commit crimes.
We do not have caller ID, and the listeners will be advised to make up their own minds as to whether a given interviewee is providing good information or not. Anonymous interviews will not be recorded with listeners calling in, unless the interviewee requests that.
If you are interested, please email me, Eleanor White, at:
eleanor( )
To hide your identity, sign up for a free or email account.
"Shoulder patch" expressing the attitude
of the organized citizen stalkers
What is unique today is that you do NOT need to be "somebody special" to be targeted. (Also unique is that unlike crime gangs, the citizen gang members often have no criminal records. This makes it difficult to prove their participation, as they appear to be "pillars of the community.")
Police often deny that stalking by more than one stalker happens, and the medical establishment usually backs up this misconception. It is interesting that womens' assault centers understand that multiple stalking happens, but police and doctors don't.
The purpose of this covert war on citizens appears to be one phase of a quiet push towards a new fascist world government. Today's tactics appear to be, in contrast with other dictators, to make every move towards elimination of freedom appear to be normal, everything-is-OK, beneficial and routine government business. Sooner or later, this veneer of normal business will break, but by then, it may be too late to stop.
Activism sign, CATCH version featuring the two apparent citizen stalkers above
Activism sign, Road to Freedom version featuring the two apparent citizen stalkers above
Picket sign, CATCH version featuring the two apparent citizen stalkers above
Picket sign, Road to Freedom version featuring the two apparent citizen stalkers above
RIGHT click here for Corel Draw image for 10-cards/page on do-it-yourself business card stock
Click here for GIF 10 cards/page image
Vigilante stalkers? Looks like 'em to me! Have a look at the original video of these stalkers (?), (and more) too.
This move towards fascist world government has been referred to as the New World Order, by politicians and citizens.
Here in the 21st Century, these crimes are happening in the jurisdictions of all major governments, and are world wide in scope. The evidence is here for all who are willing to look at it. For a webcast show on this topic, listen to Road to Freedom.
** If you ONLY experience STALKING ... **
If you are NOT experiencing ELECTRONIC attacks on your senses and health, but ARE experiencing stalking by more than one stalker, may I suggest these other sites instead of this one:
Why do "they" let us post sites like this one?
My (Eleanor White's) best answer is that by letting web sites like this one stay posted, and by letting Patriot radio shows broadcast information about this crime, the public is likely to think "there's nothing to it" just because sites like this one are allowed to stay posted. In other words, NOT taking us out is a deliberate psychological tactic, not an accident or oversight.
Once the full extent of corruption in post World War II governments is understood, the covert harassment of citizens can be seen as just one more in an endless litany of well planned and VERY well covered up crimes.
** "Perp or Starve!" **
Observations, and even a few face to face conversations with the perps, some members of the vigilante/harassment gangs, reveals a pitiful picture where some of them started out being harassed themselves, and particularly had every job opportunity trashed. This left the target with seemingly no choice but to join the perps to receive minimal sustenance. This method of recruitment is being enhanced by shipping many jobs overseas, and is a particularly grievous crime in itself.
cws3.gif packrat( ) or 512-255-0993 ...if you or anyone else has trouble accessing this site. (Please provide date, time, ISP or library name from which attempt was made.)
** About References to "Government" **
I, Eleanor White, am NOT anti-government. Instead, I am opposed to CORRUPTION IN government. When government, the agency responsible for public protection and safety, IGNORES criminal activity, PROVIDES COVER FOR criminal activity, or actually carries out criminal activity, I oppose such actions. I am certain that the majority of honest government employees welcome efforts to expose and stop government corruption.
** Main Menu **
1996/Gloria Naylor | About "Street Theater" | Alpha Index | Anti Pedophile Page | Anyone Have Documentation? | Arlene Tyner: Part 4 | CATCH | Child Being Tortured | CONTACT | Disinfo Agents | Doctors who know | Effects-Image | Effects-Others' | Effects-Survey | Effects-Tabulated | Eleanor White's Hall of Heroes | Email/Web Tips | E-weps/Iraq | FEMA detention camps! | FFCHS | Footnote for Fellow Christians | "[Citizen Gang] Stalking in America" | Glossary | Other Govt Crime | Hostile Psych/Family | How Police Can Help | How Public Can Help | Investigative Journal | MC Web Ring | Mental Illness - NOT | Message to the Perpetrators | Mind Control Forum | MKULTRA: FOIA History | "Mobbing", the book | NIH Doc Says MC is REAL | Note to Family & Friends | On Line Victims' Memorial | Other Sites | Outdoors Helps! | PATRIOT RADIO NEWS | Perpetrator Groups | Police CAN help | Police Who Know | Preparedness | "Proof-ettes" | Road to Freedom (show) | Russian Research | Sabotage Photos | The Satanic Connection | Song | Squirrel Friends | Stop Covert War | Stalking Gangs | Subject Index | Thefts | Threats Received | Victims' Photo Album | Videos for sale | Vigilante Gangs | Vigilante stalkers? | Voice-to-Skull Success, 1975 | Weapons List | Top
To remember this site address: "Raven, ONE, caught in a net"
A distraught parent writes about their electronic harassment: DO THEY MAKE A JAMMER TO BLOCK OUT THE SIGNAL???? THEY ARE NOW DOING IT TO MY SON! HE IS ONLY 13 YEARS OLD! PLEASE HELP A.S.A.P.!!!!!
Another parent writes: The attackers have even attacked my baby daughter. She is four years old now. They have been [electronically] attacking her as early as when she was two years old. These attackers are REALLY sick people.
This zero-trace-evidence technology is ideal for governments and vigilante groups that like to circumvent constitutional rights - hey, they can just go straight to punishment, with no need for messy things like trials.
(Perhaps most surprising of all is that unofficial "criminal rehabilitation" vigilante groups are participating in this electronically- assisted harassment of people who are NOT criminals. These locals have been lied to by officials and are convinced they are doing good things for the community. One lady involved stated her church group "felt they were 'angels left behind' to 'straighten people out' so they could come to the Lord." Only problem is, these folks are trying to 'straighten people out' who have NO criminal record, and, are at the same time, engaging in SERIOUS criminal behavior themselves!)
Find-other-targets cards, for posting on grocery store bulletin boards and other public places to increase the number of targets who are aware. Photocopy shop can fit the image on to ten-per-page printer card stock. The CATCH web site is probably the best site for unware targets and members of the public to make as their first visit.
Corel Draw version if shop can handle the Corel Draw format more easily.
From the United States Air Force Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) report, "New World Vistas - 21st Century," commissioned by the Secretary of the Air Force and co-signed by the Chief of Staff (94), concluded in 1996, on pages 50 and 51 of the Executive Summary that:
"...Novel enhancements in Human-Machine aggressively pursued. The ultimate interaction is Thought Control."
One Historical Program Leading to
Today's Vigilante Gang Stalking/E-Harassment Crimes?
justice.gif MKULTRA justice flag
The sketches on the left were drawn by MKULTRA institutional kidnap victim Lynne Moss-Sharman, who is a Canadian member of Advocacy Committee for Human Experimentation Survivors - Mind Control. Ms. Moss-Sharman was kidnapped and experimented on as a child, and her sketch shows one of her memories, many electrodes, including a genital electrode. Such experimentation included involuntary surgery. Nazi doctors were hanged for crimes like these! MKULTRA-era perpetrators were never even charged. Only 8 of the several hundred victims of these atrocities have been compensated. We DEMAND:
 The MKULTRA perpetrators be charged and punished for the illegal kidnapping and torture of adults and children
 ALL MKULTRA survivors be compensated and receive a public apology from the United States government (as have the radiation experiment subjects)
 That the protection of classified (secret) human experiment subjects, lost when the United States quietly exited the Nuremburg Protocols, be replaced
 That publicly accessible oversight of all classified (secret) human experimentation, both government and private, be established
 That public controls placed on the development, possession and use of electronic harassment weapons so that any activity of this type can be stopped and prevented in the future
Extensive radio series and book on MKULTRA's CHILD victims and their professional supporters.
MKULTRA, and the refusal of government to acknowldedge and apologize to the full group of victims, is ONE TILE in a much larger mosaic of government crimes. ...Check out patriot radio news for up to the minute news on the government crime front.
But that was MKULTRA. We're free TODAY, aren't we?
Increasing numbers of citizens are reporting what could be called "social control" or "vigilante gang stalking", (also known as "prison without bars".) This is 24/7 surveillance and harassment. It continues until the death of the target in virtually all cases. It canNOT be stopped by moving, as the citizen vigilante gangs are totally networked and coordinated.
The book, Terrorist Stalking in America, by David Lawson, describes these vigilante stalking gangs very accurately.
A survey of 12,000 North Americans in April 2002 suggested that a possible one percent (3 million) people have been brought under this silent, covert program of oppression and ruination of life. Our experience is that it can take time, in some cases years, before the targets of this program realize it is more than just "bad luck", because the harassment is designed so as to appear to be "life's normal breaks", and not attract attention from police.
At one person in a hundred, everyone knows someone who is targeted, even if that targeted person is as yet unaware.
Today's vigilante gang stalking is the current-day version of what used to be FBI-style COINTELPRO crimes.
Current day social control harassment programs are made possible by the ability to recruit people who are willing to inflict pain on others, well documented by looking up the famous Milgram experiments. Recruits are told vicious LIES about the target, giving the recruit the false impression that they are doing "good work" for their community.
For those who are unable to belive that large scale human rights atrocities can occur in "democratic countries" yet not appear in the media, consider the outrageous, current-day epidemic of pedophilia. Cover is provided by pedophiles occupying positions high up on the authority scale, who lead double lives, and make sure the issue stays out of public view.
The public is familiar with the harassment of government and corporate whistleblowers, but what is unique about today is that people who are not important in any way are receiving the same treatment, often for relatively minor reasons, and often for unknown reasons as well. Can this be a case where the covert harassment "army" is being recruited and trained and kept proficient by harassing people who have no criminal record?
The main techniques used by these "social controllers," who oversee the vigilante gang stalking and electronic harassment, are reportedly:
 Hypnosis, transmitted silently, by electronic means, targeting both the victim and people associated with the victim; a slight "ringing in the ears" is one indication this is happening
 Official "investigations" which don't ever seem to end, and with no defined purpose, and where the harassment target is unaware of the investigation
 Rumours of illegal and immoral behavior spread about the harassment target among neighbours, co-workers, and even some family members
 "Street theater" and neighbor "skits" designed (very cleverly) to keep the harassment target uncomfortable and isolated for years; often, whenever target moves, new neighbors are moved in soon after (performed by grossly misinformed local vigilantes)
 Sabotage of personal possessions and work at the target's home, place of employment, and locked automobile
An anonymous letter from someone claiming to be a PERPETRATOR in this covert program stated that he was recruited by being told he was participating in "criminal rehabilitation", in spite of the fact that overwhelmingly, victims of this program do not have criminal records. (And those who have, have paid their debt and are no longer active as criminals.)
Cover is being provided by official denial and ridicule, and psychiatrists assist, often claiming they are unaware of even the well-known MKULTRA atrocities. Once designated as a target, CONTROL is exercised over these facets of the harassment target's life:
 who your friends are, and in many cases whether you will have any friends at all
 how your relations with family will go
 how your relationships with business associates go
 what sort of jobs you will be allowed to hold, regardless of your qualifications, and for how long, and what the quality of your work will be
 how your health will fare, and in many cases if you will even be allowed good health
 whether or not you will be able to enjoy any of life's pleasures
 whether or not you will have any privacy at all
 how well you will be treated in stores and other places of public service
 how well your possessions will work and how long they will work without breakdowns
 how much sleep you will be allowed
 how long you, your children, and your pets will have between occurrences of bodily pain, fatigue, sleep deprivation
If you feel that citizens deserve to control the above areas of their own lives, and that the covert citizen vigilantes should be exposed and brought to justice, please stay a while and read the materials on this site.
Vigilante gang stalking with electronic harassment is ONE TILE in a much larger mosaic of government crimes. ...Check out Patriot radio news for up to the minute news on the government crime front.
"There exists a shadowy Government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself."
-- Senator Daniel K. Inouye, during the
Iran Contra Hearings and former chair,
U.S. Senate MKULTRA-era hearings in 1977
On May 30, 2001, Amnesty International declared that the United States has relinquished its leadership position on human rights. A.I.'s U.S. director said the evolution of U.S. policy is "the single greatest disappointment" in the group's 40-year history. By ignoring human rights, citizen vigilante groups can grow and fluorish without fear of prosecution.
** Main Menu **
1996/Gloria Naylor | About "Street Theater" | Alpha Index | Anti Pedophile Page | Anyone Have Documentation? | Arlene Tyner: Part 4 | CATCH | Child Being Tortured | CONTACT | Disinfo Agents | Doctors who know | Effects-Image | Effects-Others' | Effects-Survey | Effects-Tabulated | Eleanor White's Hall of Heroes | Email/Web Tips | E-weps/Iraq | FEMA detention camps! | FFCHS | Footnote for Fellow Christians | "[Citizen Gang] Stalking in America" | Glossary | Other Govt Crime | Hostile Psych/Family | How Police Can Help | How Public Can Help | Investigative Journal | MC Web Ring | Mental Illness - NOT | Message to the Perpetrators | Mind Control Forum | MKULTRA: FOIA History | "Mobbing", the book | NIH Doc Says MC is REAL | Note to Family & Friends | On Line Victims' Memorial | Other Sites | Outdoors Helps! | PATRIOT RADIO NEWS | Perpetrator Groups | Police CAN help | Police Who Know | Preparedness | "Proof-ettes" | Road to Freedom (show) | Russian Research | Sabotage Photos | The Satanic Connection | Song | Squirrel Friends | Stop Covert War | Stalking Gangs | Subject Index | Thefts | Threats Received | Victims' Photo Album | Videos for sale | Vigilante Gangs | Vigilante stalkers? | Voice-to-Skull Success, 1975 | Weapons List | Top
To remember this site address: "Raven, ONE, caught in a net"
Special thanks to Cheryl Welsh
Cheryl Welsh has worked very hard in support of the campaign to expose and stop the covert use of advanced electronics to harass citizens (aka "non-lethal weapons"). She has provided well documented research material and has made international contacts. Cheryl has earned the status of non-lethal weapons expert at the United Nations. Visitors to this site who would like to read about her work or contact Cheryl should visit this site:
The organization name "Mind Justice" replaces "Citizens Against Human Rights Abuse" (CAHRA). Mind Justice is a 501c3 non profit organization registered in the state of California.
russ1.jpg Russian anti electronic harassment activists
Photo above shows our colleagues, Russian anti electronic harassment activists, courtesy Cheryl Welsh
Since October 1, 1996 there have been about
272,000 + visits to this COVER PAGE
with Autoload Images ON
CD of ten radio interviews with targets, host, Greg Szyzmanski
War at Home, Brian Glick, $5 US, a MUST for everyone!
Search for the Manchurian Candidate, John Marks, $10 US, MKULTRA history!
Mobbing: Emotional Abuse in the American Workplace, backs us up!
[Citizen Gang] Terrorist Stalking in America, the human perps exposed
1996, autobiographical novel by writer Gloria Naylor, a target
A Nation Betrayed, Carol Rutz, a first-person MKULTRA testimonial + FOIA information
Rule by Secrecy, Jim Marrs, explains how major govt crimes are kept quiet
Equipment you can actually buy or build right now.
Smashing 4-part series, Probe Magazine, Mar-Apr 2000 & ff, Arlene Tyner - don't miss it!
Part 4 is here on this site.
Earth Rising, by Dr. Nick Begich, tells it like it is! Definitely worth the price!
Congressman Ron Paul's 2003 statement about the New World Order
Term paper assistance available.
This site is mentioned on:
Term Papers HQ
Your ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES can be CONTROLLED with the technology described on this site, and they may not even be aware of this control.
To date, no government agency has admitted to being charged with independent civilian oversight of military and intelligence classified human experimentation and advanced electronic weapons. Protection of subjects of military/intelligence CLASSIFIED research simply does not exist.
U.S. proposed law admits "mind weapon" technology is a concern, then, as with all references to "mind control," was suddenly gutted with no mention of 'exotic weapons' as in the original.
See both bills at: HR 2977/HR 3616
** Main Menu **
1996/Gloria Naylor | About "Street Theater" | Alpha Index | Anti Pedophile Page | Anyone Have Documentation? | Arlene Tyner: Part 4 | CATCH | Child Being Tortured | CONTACT | Disinfo Agents | Doctors who know | Effects-Image | Effects-Others' | Effects-Survey | Effects-Tabulated | Eleanor White's Hall of Heroes | Email/Web Tips | E-weps/Iraq | FEMA detention camps! | FFCHS | Footnote for Fellow Christians | "[Citizen Gang] Stalking in America" | Glossary | Other Govt Crime | Hostile Psych/Family | How Police Can Help | How Public Can Help | Investigative Journal | MC Web Ring | Mental Illness - NOT | Message to the Perpetrators | Mind Control Forum | MKULTRA: FOIA History | "Mobbing", the book | NIH Doc Says MC is REAL | Note to Family & Friends | On Line Victims' Memorial | Other Sites | Outdoors Helps! | PATRIOT RADIO NEWS | Perpetrator Groups | Police CAN help | Police Who Know | Preparedness | "Proof-ettes" | Road to Freedom (show) | Russian Research | Sabotage Photos | The Satanic Connection | Song | Squirrel Friends | Stop Covert War | Stalking Gangs | Subject Index | Thefts | Threats Received | Victims' Photo Album | Videos for sale | Vigilante Gangs | Vigilante stalkers? | Voice-to-Skull Success, 1975 | Weapons List | Top
To remember this site address: "Raven, ONE, caught in a net"
A quick list of some documentation for starters:
(First electronic harassment device dates from the Korean War)
(Dr. Joseph Sharp, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, performs microwave voice to skull back in 1974!)
(NASA article confirms voice to skull "gateway"
into our skulls, via pulsed microwave signals)
("Silent Sound" used by U.S. Army in Gulf War to produce mass surrenders)
(U.S. Air Force has routinely performed electronic influence weapon operations, openly, since the early 1980s.)
(MKULTRA, Orlikow court case, and Bonacci court case CLEARLY show abundance of motive and means for such programs.) ..and the MKULTRA perpetrators NEVER faced a SINGLE criminal charge for their atrocities.)
(Human radiation experiments, 1944 - 1960s, show brutal involuntary experimentation has gone on in secret on citizens, who were muzzled by government allegations the victims were 'crazy', now admitted to by President Clinton.
Hearings testimony about these atrocities show a mind control tie-in.)
** Main Menu **
1996/Gloria Naylor | About "Street Theater" | Alpha Index | Anti Pedophile Page | Anyone Have Documentation? | Arlene Tyner: Part 4 | CATCH | Child Being Tortured | CONTACT | Disinfo Agents | Doctors who know | Effects-Image | Effects-Others' | Effects-Survey | Effects-Tabulated | Eleanor White's Hall of Heroes | Email/Web Tips | E-weps/Iraq | FEMA detention camps! | FFCHS | Footnote for Fellow Christians | "[Citizen Gang] Stalking in America" | Glossary | Other Govt Crime | Hostile Psych/Family | How Police Can Help | How Public Can Help | Investigative Journal | MC Web Ring | Mental Illness - NOT | Message to the Perpetrators | Mind Control Forum | MKULTRA: FOIA History | "Mobbing", the book | NIH Doc Says MC is REAL | Note to Family & Friends | On Line Victims' Memorial | Other Sites | Outdoors Helps! | PATRIOT RADIO NEWS | Perpetrator Groups | Police CAN help | Police Who Know | Preparedness | "Proof-ettes" | Road to Freedom (show) | Russian Research | Sabotage Photos | The Satanic Connection | Song | Squirrel Friends | Stop Covert War | Stalking Gangs | Subject Index | Thefts | Threats Received | Victims' Photo Album | Videos for sale | Vigilante Gangs | Vigilante stalkers? | Voice-to-Skull Success, 1975 | Weapons List | Top
To remember this site address: "Raven, ONE, caught in a net"
Five Available Harassment Technologies:
Click here for a separate page of the techologies listed below, which you can PRINT OUT and carry with you for dealing with public and medical officials who refuse to acknowledge the existence of electronic harassment technologies.
There are five older technologies capable of extreme destruction of the ability to earn a living, and the quality of life of a target, listed below. None of these technologies require implants, and all can be transmitted silently, through walls, and leave no trace evidence.
Since few targets will aquire the correct detection equipment, destruction of a target's life even using these older technologies is a perfect crime under today's justice system. Today's justice system denies that any effective through wall harassment technologies exist, probably because they tacitly approve of the activities of the "anti crime" vigilante groups who sometimes use this equipment.
Here is the list:
 A simple microwave oven, door removed, with the door interlock switch bypassed, and held against the bedroom wall of a target in an apartment building or semi-detached house. This device can cause a variety of disabling medical symptoms.
 MODIFIED microwave oven weapon, for improved focus of the microwave radiation, from the article above
 Joseph Sharp's voice to skull success, performed with Dr. James C. Lin's pulsed microwave transmitter, and publicly announced in 1974 at the University of Utah:
 March 1975 "American Psychologist" journal
 AUDIBLE sound transmitted directly into a target's skull, through a target's wall, of course, can drive the through-the-wall target crazy, and if the target complains, the target will be immediately diagnosed as mentally ill. The perfect crime.
 U.S. patent 6,587,729, issued based on Dr. Joseph Sharp's voice to skull success.
 Lowery's silent sound, patent 5,159,703 and used for self-help subliminal hypnosis tapes and CDs and by the U.S. Army in Gulf War One (1991).
 Together with Sharp's voice to skull, Silent Sound projected through a bedroom wall can hypnotize a target in their bed with the target being unaware. Unaware hypnosis is CLEARLY electronic harassment in the EXTREME!
 Silent Sound in Gulf War One
 Concept diagram, combined voice to skull and Silent Sound
 An old medical device, the Russian LIDA machine, a pulsed 40 watt, 40 MHz radio transmitter which can be used to make a target exhausted on the job when pulsing at the rate consistent with sleep, and with a pulse rate increase, DEPRIVE a target of sleep too! U.S. Patent 3,773,049 describes the operation of the LIDA machine.
 Notes on the LIDA machine
 Dr. Ross Adey is not a known participant in the human rights atrocities described on this site.
 adeylida.gif LIDA machine
 Through clothing (and through non-conductive wall) RADAR, widely used at airports and by police to look through clothing for hidden weapons. The harassment potential of this technology in the hands of vigilante stalking gangs is obvious.
 Through wall/clothing radar image
The CLASSIFIED equipment, coming into wider use in the 1980s, can penetrate all shielding and is virtually unstoppable. Our group as yet does not have solid information as to how these classified devices work.
It is important for people who discover they are targets to realize that hearing acoustic effects does *NOT* mean that the older technologies like sound and microwave are what actually carried the acoustic effects into their homes and perceived hearing. All indications are that far more advanced equipment does the actual transmission here in the early 21st century.
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1996/Gloria Naylor | About "Street Theater" | Alpha Index | Anti Pedophile Page | Anyone Have Documentation? | Arlene Tyner: Part 4 | CATCH | Child Being Tortured | CONTACT | Disinfo Agents | Doctors who know | Effects-Image | Effects-Others' | Effects-Survey | Effects-Tabulated | Eleanor White's Hall of Heroes | Email/Web Tips | E-weps/Iraq | FEMA detention camps! | FFCHS | Footnote for Fellow Christians | "[Citizen Gang] Stalking in America" | Glossary | Other Govt Crime | Hostile Psych/Family | How Police Can Help | How Public Can Help | Investigative Journal | MC Web Ring | Mental Illness - NOT | Message to the Perpetrators | Mind Control Forum | MKULTRA: FOIA History | "Mobbing", the book | NIH Doc Says MC is REAL | Note to Family & Friends | On Line Victims' Memorial | Other Sites | Outdoors Helps! | PATRIOT RADIO NEWS | "Proof-ettes" | Perpetrator Groups | Police CAN help | Police Who Know | Preparedness | "Proof-ettes" | Road to Freedom (show) | Russian Research | Sabotage Photos | The Satanic Connection | Song | Squirrel Friends | Stop Covert War | Stalking Gangs | Subject Index | Thefts | Threats Received | Victims' Photo Album | Videos for sale | Vigilante Gangs | Vigilante stalkers? | Voice-to-Skull Success, 1975 | Weapons List | Top
To remember this site address: "Raven, ONE, caught in a net"
"We need a program of psychosurgery and political control of our society. The purpose is physical control of the mind. Everyone who deviates from the given norm can be surgically mutilated.
"The individual may think that the most important reality is his own existence, but this is only his personal point of view. This lacks historical perspective.
"Man does not have the right to develop his own mind. This kind of liberal orientation has great appeal. We must electrically control the brain. Some day armies and generals will be controlled by electrical stimulation of the brain."
Dr. Jose Delgado (MKULTRA experimenter who demonstrated
a radio-controlled bull on CNN in 1985)
Director of Neuropsychiatry
Yale University Medical School
Congressional Record February 24, 1972:
October 2005 Scientific American article on Delgado's work
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1996/Gloria Naylor | About "Street Theater" | Alpha Index | Anti Pedophile Page | Anyone Have Documentation? | Arlene Tyner: Part 4 | CATCH | Child Being Tortured | CONTACT | Disinfo Agents | Doctors who know | Effects-Image | Effects-Others' | Effects-Survey | Effects-Tabulated | Eleanor White's Hall of Heroes | Email/Web Tips | E-weps/Iraq | FEMA detention camps! | FFCHS | Footnote for Fellow Christians | "[Citizen Gang] Stalking in America" | Glossary | Other Govt Crime | Hostile Psych/Family | How Police Can Help | How Public Can Help | Investigative Journal | MC Web Ring | Mental Illness - NOT | Message to the Perpetrators | Mind Control Forum | MKULTRA: FOIA History | "Mobbing", the book | NIH Doc Says MC is REAL | Note to Family & Friends | On Line Victims' Memorial | Other Sites | Outdoors Helps! | PATRIOT RADIO NEWS | Perpetrator Groups | Police CAN help | Police Who Know | Preparedness | "Proof-ettes" | Road to Freedom (show) | Russian Research | Sabotage Photos | The Satanic Connection | Song | Squirrel Friends | Stop Covert War | Stalking Gangs | Subject Index | Thefts | Threats Received | Victims' Photo Album | Videos for sale | Vigilante Gangs | Vigilante stalkers? | Voice-to-Skull Success, 1975 | Weapons List | Top
To remember this site address: "Raven, ONE, caught in a net"
Meet the Gang Stalking/Electronic Harassment Targets
People, one of our members who is an accomplished remote
viewer has discovered that some of our local harassment,
particularly the non-electronic "gang stalking" portion,
is being carried out by community groups who believe they
are doing good work for the community by "rehabilitating
people" who have criminal records, may be thieves, drug
addicts, pedophiles, or other habitual criminal activity.
You should know that if you are one who is participating
in such activity for reasons of "criminal rehabilitation",
you have been LIED to by the higher echelons of a group that
also uses extremely debilitating electronic mind/body weapons
on us around the clock.
These upper echelons are using you to commit very serious
crimes against people who are innocent of any crime. You
should give this some careful thought, particularly if you
are religiously inclined. If not, you may still be setting
yourselves up for some major prison time for carrying out
the wishes of the covert criminal element who got you started
into this criminal activity.
And, please ask yourself this:
Do you really expect to escape death? Do you really expect
that choosing a career of torturing innocent people will have
no consequences for you in the NEXT life? Do you really
think, after hearing reports from MILLIONS of people who
have "died" and come back, that there is no "next life"?
Do you really believe that those people who reported ending
up in Hell during their near death experiences were all
Questionnaire for the Harassers...
Appropriate music for viewing the victims' memorial below:
honor.rm or honor.wma
 (* Asterisk) = Pseudonym or Internet handle used at victim's request
 (OS/EH) = Organized stalking including painful, debilitating electronic harassment using silent, no trace evidence electronic weapons
 (DC) = Drug or chemical attacks or poisonings
 (MK) = Large scale drug, electronic and psychiatric/institutional
 torture programs which evolved from the 1950's and were exposed in 1977 but which continue, covertly, in home/in community,
 to this day
 (FLCh) = Forced loss of child(ren) by bogus determination
 of lack of parental fitness
 (+) = Deceased or (+Mu) = Deceased, known to have been murdered
 (+SU) = Suicide
 (EI) = Electronic implant (nearly always involuntary)
 (DII) = Deliberately inflicted illness
 (Ca) = Cancer
 (HA) = Heart Attack
 (Bl) = Blinded
 (HE) = Heart enlargement, possibly from repeated electronically-induced heart stress
 (ION) = Ionizing radiation experiments (xrays, radioactive substances)
 (LA) = Local atrophy of body part
 (Bu) = Burns, probably microwave
 (PMH) = Permanent (bogus) mental hospitalization
 (BE) = Brain embolism
 (Neu) = Significant neurological damage
 (RA) = Ritual abuse, often applied as child
 (SxA) = Sexual abuse, not ritual
MKULTRA, gang, electronic, and ritual abuse memorial garden near Chattanooga TN, the work of Kathleen Sullivan and God.
Her web site is
In loving memory...
. . . Of Those victims who were tortured, both electronically and even by co-opted institutional staff, even as they lay dying of cancer, murdered, or driven to suicide by criminals who are being protected by government's ignoring the complaints, and the apathy and denial of the general public.
Ally, Julia's cat, tortured unto death as a Satanic sacrifice (+OS/EH)
Angel, Ed Light's dog, tortured unto death (+OS/EH)
Annie, Eleanor White's pet squirrel, tortured unto death (+OS/EH)
Baby bird, flipped from nest, smashed to concrete, using
perp remote manipulation equipment, in front of Eleanor (+OS/EH)
Baby, Bill MacIntosh's dog, blinded while Bill
was in hospital then put down (+DC)
Black kittens, throats cut, who were thrown on to
Sueann Campbell's driveway (+Mu)
Carole Sterling (OS/EH,+SU-1997)
Cary Adcox, (OS/EH, +SU-6/25/2001)
Clare Wehrle (OS/EH, +Jan. 6, 2006)
David F. Wood (OS/EH, +SU-Oct. 14, 1999)
Eeva Valve, Dr. Rauni Kilde's mother (OS/EH, +2003)
Dr. Eldon A. Byrd (OS/EH, +Ca Dec 30, 2002)
Erika Cummings (OS/EH, +SU Jan 28/99)
Gail Whittaker (OS/EH, +September 19, 2005)
Karen Kearny (OS/EH, RA, +SU-1995, California)
Kui Griffin (OS/EH, +SU-Nov 2002)
Mark Fish (+2004, OS/EH)
Merilee Deller (OS/EH, +HA-Oct 11, 2004)
Micki Englum (OS/EH, +Ca-2001, Illinois)
Mildred R. Cooper (OS/EH,+Sep 14, 2006)
Paul Schaefer (+OS/EH, Ca, June 1999)
Rainy, Margo Tilton's cat (+OS/EH, Oklahoma, March 2, 2005)
Rita Hutchinson Taylor (OS/EH, +SU-1984)
Ronald Roose (OS/EH, +SU July 2002)
Ruth Goodman (OS/EH, +May 9, 2003)
Squirrels, two, disemboweled by perps attempting to
make Eleanor believe these were done by predators (+Mu)
Storm, Jim Graf's dog, stabbed in his back (+Mu)
yard the day Jim became targetted
Sunrise, Janet Leih's cat, killed during unsupervised
 tradesman visit
Ta-Shi, Janet Leih's dog, poisoned
Travis Johnson (OS/EH, +SU-May 2006)
Valerie Wolf (+MK Feb. 6, 2002)
Theresa Schindler Memorial Web Site
Terri's fight continues for others
Theresa "Terri" Schindler tortured to death March 31, 2005, by judicial crime, by denial of water for 14 days, while "police" (Nazi thugs) arrested 47 heroes who tried to get Terri WATER in her hospice prison. This was a federal and state felony because Terri was NEVER in a coma, never vegetative, never had a terminal condition, and many doctors filed affidavits stating she was an eminently good candidate for rehabilitation, at age 41. The police enforcing this order KNEW that, and also knew they were enforcing an illegal order. (Other police officers repeatedly advised them of that.)
Politicians such as Florida governor Jeb Bush postured mightily, bemoaning Terri's torture but, while having the authority and DUTY to stop the crime, never did more than tinker with legislation as Terri lay cracking and bleeding from lack of water.
Even dying cancer patients get ice chips in their mouth to ease their suffering during dehydration, while Terri was denied ALL liquid. The criminals who tortured Terri to death only allowed her last rites Holy Communion ONE DROP OF WINE to make sure Terri dehydrated faster! God PUNISH the criminals in government who ordered Terri's torture!
SPECIAL thanks to Gordon Watts of Lakeland, Florida who came very close, losing an appeal vote by only one, 4-3, to saving Terri by his private citizen's petition to the Florida courts!
(This list is only a FEW PERCENT of the known victims world-wide and contains only those who have volunteered to have their suffering recognized here)
A. Bisetti (OS/EH, London UK)
A. John Hughes (OS/EH)
* A R (OS/EH)
Alfredo Nieto Centeno (MK, Spain)
Ally, Julia's cat, tortured unto death as a Satanic sacrifice (+OS/EH)
Amy H. (MK)
Ann S. (MK)
* Anonymous 1 (OS/EH)
Arthur R. (MK, OS/EH, DC, DII, SxA, BU)
Baby, Bill MacIntosh's dog, blinded while Bill
was in hospital then put down (+DC)
* Baby Dow 1 (+MK)
* Baby Dow 2 (MK)
* Baby Shirk 1 (+MK)
* Baby Shirk 2 (+MK)
* Baby Shirk 3 (+MK)
Barbara Guillette (OS/EH)
Barbara Hartwell and cat Rockie (OS/EH)
Becky Hinderman (OS/EH)
Betsy C. (MK)
Bill H. (MK)
Billy R. Sullivan (MK)
Blanche Chavoustie (MK, ION, EI)
* Bob Reed (OS/EH)
Brenda Sperry (OS/EH)
Brian S. (MK)
* Cam and mother (OS/EH)
* Cardinal (OS/EH)
Carole Sterling (OS/EH,+SU-1997)
Carolyn Price (OS/EH, DC, EI, HA)
Cary Adcox, (OS/EH, +SU-6/25/2001)
Charles Trimble (OS/EH)
Charlotte Stephanie Eldridge Spanko,
(+BE, DC, OS/EH, MK, DII, PMH, Neu, RA)
Cheryl Welsh (OS/EH)
Clare Wehrle (OS/EH, +Jan. 6, 2006)
Colleen R. Egli (OS/EH)
* Dan Lee (OS/EH)
Daniel Moore (OS/EH)
Dave M. (OS/EH)
David F. Wood (OS/EH, +SU-Oct. 14, 1999)
David S. (MK)
Deborah (+MK)
Delly Pelc (OS/EH)
Donna Lee (OS/EH,DC)
Douglas Scott Gillman (OS/EH)
Edmund Light (OS/EH, LA) and his dog Angel (+OS/EH)
Eeva Valve, Dr. Rauni Kilde's mother (OS/EH, +2003)
Eleanor White (OS/EH, DII) and her pet squirrel Annie (+OS/EH)
Elizabeth Arceneaux (OS/EH)
Erika H. (OS/EH, +SU Jan 28/99)
* Family Z (OS/EH, DII)
Farren Carroll (OS/EH)
* Five military experimentees, Camp Mabry TX (+MK-like involuntary experimental drugging, Jan 5/01)
Frank Glynn (OS/EH)
Gail Whittaker (OS/EH, +September 19, 2005)
Gregory Cousins (OS/EH)
* Harmony (OS/EH)
Harry E. Cooper (OS/EH,+Dec91)
Helen H. Hendricks (OS/EH)
* Heveab (OS/EH)
Israel H. (MK)
James Henry Graf (OS/EH, DC, DII, ION)
James H. Whittle (OS/EH)
Jane O'Hara Mattern (OS/EH, LA)
Janet B. (MK)
Janet D. (MK)
Janet Leih (DC, SxA)
J. A. Salinger (OS/EH)
James B. McCallen (OS/EH)
Jason Snitker (OS/EH)
Jeff W. Eldridge (OS/EH, DC, MK, RA, Neu, DII, EI)
Jen (OS/EH)
Jesus Mendosa and CHILDREN (OS/EH)
Jim L. (OS/EH)
Joan S. (OS/EH, DII - Leukemia, HE)
John Gregory Lambros (OS/EH)
John Mecca (OS/EH, EI, Ha, Bl, DII)
Joseph Keeney (OS/EH)
Joyce H. (MK)
Judith ABR (OS/EH, DC, EI, MK)
Julianne McKinney (OS/EH), Resistance Leader
Karen (+MK)
Karen Davenport (OS/EH)
Kathleen A. Sullivan (MK, RA)
* Kathy Gray (OS/EH)
Kathy Heckman (OS/EH)
Kui Griffin (OS/EH, +SU-Nov 2002)
L. D. C. (+OS/EH, DII)
Lee Carroll (OS/EH)
* LionHart (OS/EH)
Lioudmila Leverd-Peliouchenko (OS/EH)
Magda K. (OS/EH, MK, RA, Neu, EI)
* Marcie Steinbauer (OS/EH)
Maria (OS/EH, Bu)
Marina Findlay (OS/EH)
Mark Fish (+2004, OS/EH)
Martin C. Mack (OS/EH)
Martti Koski (OS/EH)
Mary (OS/EH)
Merilee Deller (OS/EH, +HA-Oct 11, 2004)
Michael O. (OS/EH)
Micki Englum (OS/EH, +Ca)
Mildred R. Cooper (OS/EH,+Sep 14/06)
Molly (+MK)
Patricia Mougey (OS/EH)
Pal Dozsa (OS/EH)
Paul Schaefer (+OS/EH, Ca, June 1999)
Peggy Fagan (OS/EH)
Peter D. (+MK)
Rainy, Margo Tilton's cat (+OS/EH, Oklahoma, March 2, 2005)
Rauni Leena Kilde, MD (OS/EH)
Ray Frank (OS/EH)
* Renee (OS/EH)
* Rina (OS/EH, DII)
Rita Hutchinson Taylor (OS/EH, +SU-1984)
Rob R. (OS/EH)
Robert C. Mougey (OS/EH,+Oct84)
Robert Dawn (OS/EH)
Robert Grucela (OS/EH)
Robert S. (MK)
Rod Orr (OS/EH)
Roger Wilson (OS/EH, DC, DII, MK)
Ronald Roose (OS/EH, +SU July 2002)
Ruth Barnett (OS/EH)
Ruth Goodman (OS/EH, +May 9, 2003)
Ryan Thomas Brown Suter (EI, DC, MK, DII, RA)
Sandra S. (MK)
* Sangwin (OS/EH, DC)
Sara (OS/EH, SxA)
Sarah Nelson (OS/EH)
Scot Freeman (OS/EH)
Sharon Anne Goodner (OS/EH)
Sharon Weld (OS/EH)
Spence Everson (OS/EH, MK)
Stephen A. Tueting (OS/EH)
Steve Wayne (OS/EH)
Steve Wilson (OS/EH)
Storm, Jim Graf's dog, stabbed in his back
yard the day Jim became targetted (+Mu)
Sunrise, Janet Leih's cat, killed during unsupervised
 tradesman visit
Susan E. Miller (MK)
Susan H. (MK)
Susan M. (OS/EH)
* Susan Reed (OS/EH)
Ta-Shi, Janet Leih's dog, poisoned
* Teknovududoll (OS/EH)
Terri Schindler (+VGS, Florida, March 31, 2005)
Terukatsu Ishibashi (OS/EH, Japan)
Thomas Salvatore Savona (OS/EH)
Tim Donoghue (OS/EH, First organizer of picketing in Sacramento, California, falsely imprisoned for a bank robbery he did NOT commit)
Tom Sorensen (OS/EH)
Tracey J. (MK)
Travis Johnson (OS/EH, +SU-May 2006)
Valerie Wolf (+MK Feb. 6, 2002)
Walter Tribe (OS/EH)
* Waterbaby (+MK)
William MacIntosh (OS/EH)
William S. (MK)
William T. Sherman (OS/EH, EI, Bu, Neu, DC)
William T. Shirk, Sr. (+MK)
Karen Kearny (VS/EH, RA, +SU-1995, California)
Lynn Wildy (EH, +SU-February 21, 2005)
Marion P. (+1981, California)
Rita Stanley MFCC (OS/EH, +HA, California)
Robert B. (+1994, Colorado)
Steven B. (+1974, New Hampshire)
Toby (+1975, Colorado)
William Spanko (+age 54, HA)
Click here for:
Victims' Photo Album
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1996/Gloria Naylor | About "Street Theater" | Alpha Index | Anti Pedophile Page | Anyone Have Documentation? | Arlene Tyner: Part 4 | CATCH | Child Being Tortured | CONTACT | Disinfo Agents | Doctors who know | Effects-Image | Effects-Others' | Effects-Survey | Effects-Tabulated | Eleanor White's Hall of Heroes | Email/Web Tips | E-weps/Iraq | FEMA detention camps! | FFCHS | Footnote for Fellow Christians | "[Citizen Gang] Stalking in America" | Glossary | Other Govt Crime | Hostile Psych/Family | How Police Can Help | How Public Can Help | Investigative Journal | MC Web Ring | Mental Illness - NOT | Message to the Perpetrators | Mind Control Forum | MKULTRA: FOIA History | "Mobbing", the book | NIH Doc Says MC is REAL | Note to Family & Friends | On Line Victims' Memorial | Other Sites | Outdoors Helps! | PATRIOT RADIO NEWS | Perpetrator Groups | Police CAN help | Police Who Know | Preparedness | "Proof-ettes" | Road to Freedom (show) | Russian Research | Sabotage Photos | The Satanic Connection | Song | Squirrel Friends | Stop Covert War | Stalking Gangs | Subject Index | Thefts | Threats Received | Victims' Photo Album | Videos for sale | Vigilante Gangs | Vigilante stalkers? | Voice-to-Skull Success, 1975 | Weapons List | Top
To remember this site address: "Raven, ONE, caught in a net"
Click below for
Eleanor White's Hall of Heroes
aprilov.jpg Easter card from Eleanor White
A footnote for my fellow Christians...
Our group has asked almost every Christian church and activism group for help in publicizing and exposing the continuing in-home and in-community torture of the one in a hundred targets of vigilante gang stalking and electronic harassment. Our group has been consistently ignored, and in some instances severely rebuffed by both clergy and laity, and in one case, we were threatened with legal action for a simple appeal for PRAYER.
MKULTRA-era history, COINTELPRO history (current-day electronic harassment's progenitors) and unclassified and commerical devices which can carry out this torture are firmly established facts. We are not asking for anything close to a "leap of faith", as we have ample factual material to convince most people of average open-mindedness who will take the time to learn the facts.
In fact ... the United States Government, the Russian Government, and the European Parliament ... are finally, after decades, timidly beginning to address this issue in their legal structure. These initiatives do show you that this is not a hoax or a wild goose issue, and you can pray with confidence.
It is my prayer that there are a few true Christians out there who will at least PRAY for, if not publicly support, this cause, which can only be dear to the Heart of God.
(Pleasing God also would be prayers that Satan's grip on the perpetrators might be shaken loose, permanently. While you are at it, you might add some prayers for the hundreds of thousands of child sex slaves around the world, some kidnapped from North American homes. Our MKULTRA survivor colleagues lived through that too.)
Eleanor White
(Please pray for the perpetrators)
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1996/Gloria Naylor | About "Street Theater" | Alpha Index | Anti Pedophile Page | Anyone Have Documentation? | Arlene Tyner: Part 4 | CATCH | Child Being Tortured | CONTACT | Disinfo Agents | Doctors who know | Effects-Image | Effects-Others' | Effects-Survey | Effects-Tabulated | Eleanor White's Hall of Heroes | Email/Web Tips | E-weps/Iraq | FEMA detention camps! | FFCHS | Footnote for Fellow Christians | "[Citizen Gang] Stalking in America" | Glossary | Other Govt Crime | Hostile Psych/Family | How Police Can Help | How Public Can Help | Investigative Journal | MC Web Ring | Mental Illness - NOT | Message to the Perpetrators | Mind Control Forum | MKULTRA: FOIA History | "Mobbing", the book | NIH Doc Says MC is REAL | Note to Family & Friends | On Line Victims' Memorial | Other Sites | Outdoors Helps! | PATRIOT RADIO NEWS | Perpetrator Groups | Police CAN help | Police Who Know | Preparedness | "Proof-ettes" | Road to Freedom (show) | Russian Research | Sabotage Photos | The Satanic Connection | Song | Squirrel Friends | Stop Covert War | Stalking Gangs | Subject Index | Thefts | Threats Received | Victims' Photo Album | Videos for sale | Vigilante Gangs | Vigilante stalkers? | Voice-to-Skull Success, 1975 | Weapons List | . | Top
To remember this site address: "Raven, ONE, caught in a net"

This Freedom Isn't Free site
is owned by Eleanor White.
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The report below was retrieved from NASA's on-line technical document archive. The information itself dates from the 1980s and details testing which was carried out using low-power microwave pulses on rats. The testing was intended to lead to a form of psychological warfare.
Note: I have removed non-relevant headers from the report.
TITLE: Effects of low power microwaves on the local cerebral blood flow of conscious rats
Document ID: 19810004209 N (81N12720) File Series: NASA Technical Reports
Report Number: AD-A090426
Authors: Oscar, K. J. (Army Mobility Equipment Command)
Published: Jun 01, 1980
Corporate Source: Army Mobility Equipment Command (Fort Belvoir, VA, United States)
Pages: 10
Contract Number: None
A decoy and deception concept presently being considered is to remotely create the perception of noise in the heads of personnel by exposing them to low power, pulsed microwaves. When people are illuminated with properly modulated low power microwaves the sensation is reported as a buzzing, clicking, or hissing which seems to originate (regardless of the person's position in the field) within or just behind the head.
* The phenomena occurs at average power densities as low as microwatts per square centimeter with carrier frequencies from 0.4 to 3.0 GHz.

  *** CELL & WiFi FREQ.***
By proper choice of pulse characteristics, intelligible speech may be created. Before this technique may be extended and used for military applications, an understanding of the basic principles must be developed. Such an understanding is not only required to optimize the use of the concept for camouflage, decoy and deception operations but is required to properly assess safety factors of such microwave exposure.
